uploads/lone wolf.jpg

lone wolf lone wolf =loner.


In any case , the “ lone wolf “ approach certainly does not work for nontrivial projects , and general project management techniques apply to web services projects just like to any other project 在任何情況下, “單獨行動”的方法對于重要項目無疑都是不起任何作用的,一般項目管理技術都要應用到web服務項目中,就跟應用到任何其他的項目中一樣。

Nobody know for certain what kind of man he be - he ' s rather a lone wolf 誰也不知道他是什麼樣的一個人? ?他總愛獨來獨往。

A lone wolf is always cause for suspicion , especially one that chooses that path 獨狼總是引起猜疑,尤其是選擇此路者。

Hey ! you ' re a lone wolf 嗨!你是一頭孤獨的狼。

So the lone wolf prospector legend 孤狼勘探者的傳說

Although she is a lone wolf , we all like her very much 雖然她是個喜單獨行動的人,但我們大家都非常喜歡她。

Having been a lone wolf for so long , mr . b has become very withdrawn 因為長期孤獨, b先生變得沉默寡言。

Eddy : jack is kind of a lone wolf 艾迪:杰克有點像獨行俠。

John is a lone wolf : never mucks in with the others 約翰是一個獨來獨往的人,從來不跟別人搞在一起。

Mr . a seems to be a lone wolf ; he does not have any friends 先生似乎是位孤獨者;他沒有什麼朋友。

John is a good pitcher , but he is a lone wolf 瓊是一個優秀的棒球投手,但他不喜歡和其他隊員合作。

John is a lone wolf ; newer mucks in with the others 約翰是一個獨來獨往的人,從來不跟別人一起干。

Do you believe there are many lone wolves in this country 你相信這個國家有許多孤孤單單的人嗎?

John ' s a lone wolf ; never mucks in with the others 約翰是一位單干的家伙,從不與別的人搞在一起。

Peter is a good footballer , but he is a lone wolf 彼得是個好足球隊員,但他是個不與人合作的人。